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  • c语言本身没有输入和输出,c语言本身没有输入输

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:10






       演示机型:华为MateBook X系统版本:win10 c语言本身没有输入输出语句正确。在C语言中,没有输入输出语句,对文件的读写都是用库函数来实现的。continue语句只用在while、for循环中,作用是跳过循环体中剩余的语句而强制进入下一次循环,对于while循环,继续求解循环条件。





      4、windows截屏工具:按win+r 键,调出运行菜单,输入SnippingTool,就可以打开截图工具。

      5、键盘失灵调出虚拟键盘:Win + r 键 输入osk,屏幕出现虚拟键盘并与实体键盘同步。





       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      C language itself does not have correct input and output statements. In the C language, there are no input and output statements, and the reading and writing of files are realized by library functions. The continue statement is only used in while and for loops. Its function is to skip the remaining statements in the loop body and force it to enter the next loop. For the while loop, it continues to solve the loop conditions.

      Tips for using the computer:

      1. Display notepad time: enter LOG after opening the notepad program to record work items. After closing save, the program automatically records the modified time.

      2. Restore accidentally closed web pages: Press CTRLSHIFTT at the same time to quickly restore the current web page.

      3. Program switching: When there are too many tasks to be processed, it is often necessary to click the mouse to switch programs frequently. You can press windowsTAB to achieve 3D switching effect.

      4. Windows screenshot tool: Press win+r key to bring up the run menu, enter SnippingTool, you can open the screenshot tool.

      5. The keyboard fails to call up the virtual keyboard: Win + r keys, enter osk, the virtual keyboard appears on the screen and synchronizes with the physical keyboard.

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