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  • panama是哪个国家,请问panama巴拿马哪里?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:13






      巴拿马。巴拿马共和国,英语:The Republic of Panama,简称巴拿马。是中美洲最南部的国家,总面积为75517平方公里,首都巴拿马城。


      鉴于重要的地理位置,巴拿马经济的重点是服务业,以金融、贸易和旅游业为主。金融业和转口贸易发达,并在经济中占重要地位。 由于巴拿马的建立和贸易都和美国有重要关系,巴拿马从1907年开始使用美元作为流通货币,本国货币为巴波亚,与美元等值并同时在境内使用,是世界上第一个除美国以外使用美元作为法定货币的国家。





       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Panama. The Republic of Panama, English: The Republic of Panama, referred to as Panama. It is the southernmost country in Central America, with a total area of ​​75,517 square kilometers and its capital, Panama City.

      In 1501, Panama became a Spanish colony. Declared independence on December 28, 1821, and joined the Gran Colombia. After the dissolution of Gran Colombia in 1831, it became a province of New Granada. Independence in 1903, the establishment of the Republic of Panama. The Panama Canal, which connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Pacific Ocean in central Panama, has an important strategic position and is the dividing line between South America and North America. On December 31, 1999, the United States returned all land, buildings, infrastructure and all management rights of the Panama Canal to Panama.

      Given its important geographical location, Panama's economy is focused on the service industry, with finance, trade and tourism as the main industries. The financial industry and entrepot trade are developed and play an important role in the economy. Since the establishment and trade of Panama have an important relationship with the United States, Panama has used the U.S. dollar as the currency in circulation since 1907. The national currency is Balboa, which is equivalent to the U.S. dollar and used in the territory at the same time. It is the first country in the world other than the United States. Countries that use the U.S. dollar as legal tender.

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