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  • 猜灯谜最早可追溯到哪个朝代,请问猜灯谜是源

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:17













    答:南宋。猜灯谜起源于南宋时期。 灯谜最早是由春秋战国时期的谜语发展而来,在当时是一种富有讥谏、规戒、诙谐和笑谑的文艺游戏;而在南宋时期,就将谜语悬挂在灯上,供人们去猜,《武林旧事·灯品》中就曾记载:“以绢灯剪写诗词,时寓讥笑,及画人物,藏头隐语,及旧京诨语、戏弄行人”。


       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Guessing lantern riddles originated in the Southern Song Dynasty. During the Southern Song Dynasty, during the Lantern Festival in the capital Linan, there were many people making and guessing riddles. At the beginning, the good ones wrote the riddles on paper and pasted them on colorful lanterns for people to guess. Because riddles can inspire wisdom and interest, they are welcomed by all walks of life in the process of spreading. In ancient times, every Lantern Festival, people always divided Cao Shefu, which was a laugh, and now the Lantern Festival also has the custom of watching lanterns and guessing riddles.

      The basic features of lantern riddles:

      1. Unique structure: lantern riddles are generally composed of three parts, namely the riddle surface, the riddle and the riddle, also known as the three elements of lantern riddles.

      2. Different solutions between the surface and the bottom: lantern riddles take advantage of the multi-meaning characteristics of Chinese words, and do not interpret the riddle as the original meaning, so as to obtain a different meaning.

      3. Different words between the face and the bottom: in lantern riddles, any words that are on the face of the riddle cannot appear again in the answer, otherwise it is called Luchun, and lantern riddles are not allowed to show Chunchun.

    上一篇:别克gl6空调滤芯更换,别克gl6空调滤芯拆解视频 下一篇:刹车片多久换一次,请问奕泽刹车片多久换?

