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  • 北京冬奥会高科技特色主要体现在哪些方面,请

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:18













    京张高铁列车设计了多种定制化服务,凸显奥运特色和智能科技。例如,列车专门设置了兴奋剂检测区、冰雪运动器材存放区,并为残疾人设有人性化的座位区,配有轮椅固定装置、SOS按钮以及可折叠桌板等贴心设计。此外,列车还可以通过智能显示屏实时观看赛事直播,媒体记者能随时利用覆盖全车的WiFi系统编辑发送赛事报道。 京张高铁将于2019年底完工,届时北京至张家口最快车次运行时间将从现在的3个多小时缩短至1小时之内。“奥运专列”连通三大赛区,公交系统则串联起各赛区周边地区。 “中国自主研发的智能无人公交车也将服务2022年北京冬奥会。”只要打开手机,通过系统下达指令,智能公交车就能感知到人的用车需求,到站时它就会停车带客,并且这种智能车是全新设计,与现在的车辆相比,没有方向盘,也没有刹车、油门。此外,可在复杂环境下运行的智能无人物流车也有可能用在北京冬奥会上。 VR观赛“身临其境” 为丰富观众体验,北京冬奥会将开启“智能观赛”模式,即使不在现场,也能“身临其境”。随着中国体育产业不断发展和科技创新加速推进,人工智能、虚拟现实(VR)、5G通信、360度回放、无人机等先进技术将在北京冬奥会上得到综合运用。其中VR技术正在越来越多地应用于赛事直播等领域,特别是在滑雪等对场地要求较高的运动项目中,该技术大有可为。还可以将所有慢动作360度无死角转动回放,给观众以丰富、震撼的观赛体验。 除此之外,人工智能、VR等技术还可以通过模拟、优化比赛场景,突破场地、气候限制,对运动员实现系统辅助训练,帮助运动员提升竞技水平和综合素质。


       【英文介绍/For English】:

       1. Adopt direct-cooling ice-making technology and snow storage technology: Capital Gymnasium introduces direct-cooling ice-making technology and changes the structure of the ice rink to achieve rapid temperature rise and fall, and the ice surface conversion can be completed within 2 hours. At the same time, the "fastest ice" can be created. Using this technology, the temperature difference between the ice surface can be controlled within 0.5 ℃, and the carbon emission is close to zero. At the same time, the integrated design of combined cooling and heating is used to recycle the waste heat from cooling, and the energy efficiency is increased by 30%-40%. It is the first time that this technology has been applied to the Winter Olympics on a large scale.

      2. Large vertical screen: At the opening ceremony, the most conspicuous part of the Birds Nest Center is the large vertical screen, which is an LED screen nearly 60 meters high and 20 meters wide, called "Ice Waterfall". In order to ensure that it will not be "blown" by the wind when the wind speed is too high in autumn and winter, the technical team has overcome many difficulties and recorded more than 100-200 kinds of wind conditions to overcome this technical problem.

      3. Ground screen: The display screen that appeared on the ground at the opening ceremony is composed of an 8K ultra-high-definition ground display system with an area of ​​10,393 square meters and contains more than 40,000 LED modules. In order to ensure perfect fusion on such a large screen and produce brilliant colors and pictures, multiple 8K+ resolution picture fusion technologies are used.

      4. Ice Cube: The biggest highlight of the opening ceremony is undoubtedly the Ice Cube that broke the ice. Its total weight is about 400 tons, and its lifting weight is 180 tons. It exceeds 8 times that of the large lifting platform of the general theater.

      5. Anti-epidemic artifact body temperature sticker: It looks like a Band-Aid, but it is actually a pocket wireless electronic thermometer with a built-in chip. The temperature error is 0.1-0.2℃. Through the binding of the mobile APP, it will remotely report the real-time body temperature of the Olympic personnel to the data background. The system collects body temperature data every 3 seconds, and once it exceeds 37.3°C, it will automatically alert the epidemic prevention personnel.

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