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  • 澳洲首都是哪个城市,请问英国首都是哪个城市

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:19








      堪培拉的城市设计十分新颖,环形及放射状道路将行政、商业、住宅区分开。城市中心的格里芬湖喷泉,即为纪念库克船长上岸200周年而建的库克船长纪念喷泉水柱高达 140 米,极为壮观。全城树木苍翠,鲜花四季,每年九月,堪培拉都举办花节,以数十万株花迎接春天的到来,被誉为 大洋洲的花园城市 。






       【英文介绍/For English】:

       The capital of Australia is Canberra, located in the open valleys of the mountains in southeastern Australia. The national political center, with banks, restaurants and public services as the main economic sectors, has railways connecting major cities, and educational institutions such as the Australian National University, the University of Canberra, and the Australian National Library. There is a space tracking station in the southwest of the urban area. Tourism is very prosperous. The climate is mild, with four distinct seasons, average rainfall throughout the year, and sunny days in all seasons.

      Canberra city planning and design:

      Canberras urban design is very innovative, with circular and radial roads separating administrative, commercial and residential areas. The Griffin Lake Fountain in the center of the city, the Captain Cook Memorial Fountain built to commemorate the 200th anniversary of Captain Cooks landing, has a water column of up to 140 meters, which is extremely spectacular. The city is full of verdant trees and flowers all year round. Every September, Canberra holds a flower festival to welcome the arrival of spring with hundreds of thousands of flowers. It is known as the Garden City of Oceania.

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