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    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:25





















       【英文介绍/For English】:

       You can soak your hands in white vinegar once a day or two.

      Efficacy of soaking hands in white vinegar: delicate hand skin, balance hand skin tone, treat hand skin diseases, delay hand skin aging, improve hand chapped in autumn and winter, etc.

      1. Delicate hand skin: White vinegar can help soften the cuticle. For people with rough hands and thick cuticle, soaking in white vinegar often can help soften the cuticle, effectively remove the aging cuticle, and restore the tenderness of the skin lubricating.

      2. Balance the skin tone of the hands: Soaking hands in white vinegar can help balance the skin tone of the hands. For people with uneven skin tone on their hands, white vinegar can help whiten the skin, and white vinegar can be used to soak hands to help adjust skin tone.

      3. Treatment of hand skin diseases: White vinegar has a good sterilization effect. It has a good killing effect on a variety of bacteria. If you have skin diseases such as ringworm, itchy skin and other bacterial infections on your hands, you can soak your hands in white vinegar to relieve them. But it should be noted that there should be no wounds on the hands, otherwise it is easy to cause pain or even infection.

      4. Delay the aging of hand skin: Human hand skin needs to be exposed to a lot of things, and it is easy to be rough, fine lines and dry lines. Soaking water with white vinegar can help delay skin aging, while tenderizing the skin, it can effectively stretch wrinkles and fine lines. If it is on the face or other skin wrinkles on the body, you can also use white vinegar to help soothe it.

      5. Improve chapped hands in autumn and winter: If it is autumn and winter, people with chapped and dry skin on their hands may wish to try soaking their hands in vinegar, which can help moisturize the skin and relieve dry and rough skin. But pay attention to the effect of drying your hands and applying hand cream after soaking.

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