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  • hd接口是什么意思,请问hdtv接口是什么?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:29






       演示机型:TCL 75v6 PRO系统版本:Android 12.0 hdtv接口是高清晰度电视接口。一般电视的接口有连接卫星接收机、DVD的莲花头音频视频接口,连接外接天线的射频接口。高档电视还有连接移动存储设备的USB接口、接收高清数字电视信号的HD接口。









       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demo model: TCL 75v6 PRO

      System version: Android 12.0

      The hdtv interface is a high-definition television interface. General TV interfaces include a lotus-head audio and video interface for connecting satellite receivers and DVDs, and a radio frequency interface for connecting to an external antenna. High-end TVs also have USB ports for connecting mobile storage devices and HD ports for receiving high-definition digital TV signals.

      Principles of TV:

      TV uses electricity to instantly transmit visual images of activity. Similar to movies, TV uses the visual residual effect of the human eye to display a still image with gradual gradation, forming a visually moving image. The transmitting end of the TV system converts each minute part of the scene into electrical signals according to the brightness and chromaticity, and then transmits them in sequence. At the receiving end, the brightness and chromaticity of each fine part are displayed according to the corresponding geometric positions to reproduce the entire original image. The TV signal scanning system and channel bandwidth are not exactly the same in various countries, and are distinguished by Latin letters according to the recommendations of the International Radio Consultative Committee (CCIR). Sequential sampling, transmission and reproduction of television signals from point to plane are accomplished by scanning.

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