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  • cpu占用率100%会损坏吗,请问cpu占用率多少正常?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:33






       演示机型:华为MateBook X系统版本:win10 cpu占用率100%会损坏。CPU占用达到100%后,系统会出现卡死和停顿,失去响应。这时运算排队命令等待CPU执行,如果命令等待的时间较长,这是系统卡死,停顿的时间也很长,导致对硬件造成损坏。注意电脑工作量越大,寿命就会出现损害。


      1、防潮湿:夏天的空气湿度变大,特别是居住在平房里的朋友,房间墙壁和地面出现水珠的情况也是有的。过高的湿度会让电脑内部或者显示器内部电路板上裸露的金属部分生锈(导致接触不良),甚至是出现引脚间的短路,更甚者导致电源内部短路烧毁。 因此,如果是居住在相对潮湿的房间(例如平房),建议把机箱放在桌面上,而不是地上,另外还可以收集几包食品包装袋内的干燥剂(一小包颗粒状的物品),放在机箱内下方空处,用来吸湿。






       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      100% CPU usage will damage. After the CPU usage reaches 100%, the system will freeze, freeze, and lose response. At this time, the operation queues the command to wait for the CPU to execute. If the command waits for a long time, the system is stuck, and the pause time is also very long, resulting in damage to the hardware. Note that the greater the workload on the computer, the longer the lifespan will be compromised.

      Notes on using the computer:

      1. Anti-moisture: The air humidity in summer increases, especially for friends who live in bungalows, there are also cases of water droplets on the walls and ground of the room. Excessive humidity can cause rust on the exposed metal parts inside the computer or on the internal circuit board of the monitor (resulting in poor contact), or even short-circuit between pins, or even cause the internal short-circuit of the power supply to burn out. Therefore, if you live in a relatively humid room (such as a bungalow), it is recommended to put the chassis on the table instead of the ground. In addition, you can collect a few bags of desiccant (a small bag of granular items) in food packaging bags and put them on the ground. In the lower part of the case, it is used to absorb moisture.

      2. Anti-high temperature: If the working temperature is too high, it will cause malfunctions such as crashes. It is recommended not to use the computer when the ambient temperature is higher than 30 °C. If the ambient temperature is increased by 1 °C, the working temperature of the computer may be increased by several °C or even more than ten degrees. °C.

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