2. 浸泡好的银耳切成小块,用清水洗净。
3. 将洗净的银耳、红枣和枸杞放入锅中,加入适量的清水。
4. 把锅加热至开水,再转小火,煮约1个小时左右。
5. 最后加适量的冰糖和少许的盐即可。
2. 红枣的品质影响煮汤的口感和功效,最好选择品质好的红枣。
3. 煮汤时要在火力适度的情况下煮,过火或不足都会影响口感和功效。
4. 如果汤的味道偏淡,可以适当加入冰糖或盐。
2. 红枣和枸杞含有丰富的营养物质,能够提高免疫力,预防疾病。
3. 熬红枣银耳汤还有助于改善睡眠质量,减轻焦虑和压力。
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Tremella. It takes 3 hours to cook the white fungus until it becomes sticky and sticky, and it only takes 3 to 5 minutes to cook the dried jujube to a full state. Therefore, the white fungus should be put in first, and the time to put the jujube is when the white fungus soup is about to be boiled. That's it.
2. Tremella is the fruiting body of Basidiomycota, Tremella, Tremella, Tremella, Tremella, also known as white fungus, snow fungus, white fungus, etc., and has the reputation of "the crown of fungi". Tremella is generally in the shape of a chrysanthemum or cockscomb, 5 to 10 cm in diameter, soft and white, translucent and elastic. Tremella, as a traditional edible fungus in my country, has always been a favorite food of the majority of people, and the active ingredient contained in it - Tremella polysaccharide has special health care functions.