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  • vivos12怎样快速截屏,请问vivos1怎么快速截屏?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:39






      演示机型:VIVO S12

      系统版本:MIUI 13

       vivos12快速截屏共有3个步骤,以下是VIVO S12中怎样快速截屏的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 设置中点击快捷与辅助 在手机设置中,点击快捷与辅助选项。 2 点击超级截屏选项 在快捷与辅助页面中,点击超级截屏选项。 3 将手势截屏功能打开 在超级截屏页面中,将手势截屏功能打开,即可用三指下滑快速截屏。 END总结:以上就是关于vivos12怎样快速截屏的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。



    1、打开vivo S1手机需要截取屏幕的页面,用手指同时按住机身右侧的【电源键】和【音量“-”键】,当看到闪屏或听到咔的一声,就说明已经对当前屏幕内容进行截图了


      2、vivo S1自带三指截屏操作,是默认开启的,只需要在截屏的界面,同时使用三个手指从手机底部向上滑动即可截屏

      3、超级截屏打开vivo S1手机需要截取屏幕的页面,然后然后从屏幕底部向上滑,打开底部快捷键菜单,找到【超级截屏】图标并点击,之后会弹出来一个小圆圈。

       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: VIVO S12

      System version: MIUI 13


      There are 3 steps to take a quick screenshot on vivos12. The following are the specific operation steps of how to take a quick screenshot in VIVO S12: Operation / Step 1 Click on the shortcut and assistance in the settings In the phone settings, click on the shortcut and assistance option. 2 Tap the Super Screenshot option On the Shortcuts & Accessibility page, tap the Super Screenshot option. 3 Turn on the gesture screen capture function On the super screen capture page, turn on the gesture screen capture function to quickly take a screenshot with three fingers swiping down. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to quickly take screenshots on vivos12, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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