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  • aisino打印机色带怎么安装,请问aisino是什么牌子

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:40






       演示机型:华为MateBook X&&aisino航天信息税控TY-820II系统版本:win10 aisino是航天信息股份有限公司依托多年票据打印领域内的经验,全新打造出的一款高性能打印机。票据打印机作为区别于常见的办公用的激光打印机,实际上在很多场合有着广泛的使用,比如商场超市打印小票、发票,还有各公司财务用的打印增值税发票的打印机等,除此之外还有很多的用途,比如交警现场开罚单用的便携式票据打印机,财务用的支票打印机。












       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X&&aisino aerospace information tax control TY-820II

      System version: win10

      aisino is a new high-performance printer created by Aerospace Information Co., Ltd. based on years of experience in the field of ticket printing. Receipt printers, as different from common office laser printers, are actually widely used in many occasions, such as printing receipts and invoices in shopping malls and supermarkets, as well as printers for printing VAT invoices for financial purposes of various companies, etc. There are many other uses, such as portable ticket printers for traffic police to issue tickets on the spot, and check printers for financial use.

      Notes on using the printer:

      1. Be careful not to place objects on the printer: the printer will generate heat when it is working, and the heat can be radiated out through the casing. If a lot of things are placed on the printer, the heat will not be dissipated normally, and it is prone to smoke and odor. and so on.

      2. Pay attention to grounding measures: When using the printer, choose a suitable power supply, and pay attention to grounding protection measures for it. When the printer is not in use for a long time, unplug it. In addition, if it is a thunderstorm, you should also pay attention to unplug the power supply to avoid damage to the printer caused by lightning.

      3. Be careful not to move the printer when printing: If the printer is in the printing state, do not move, drag the printer or cut off the power of the printer, and do not touch the printing cable connector and the metal part of the print head with your hands, because the temperature of these parts during printing It is very high and can be easily burnt if touched by hand.

    上一篇:三亚有哪些好玩的景点 下一篇:笔记本怎么复制一段文字,请问笔记本电脑复制

