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  • win10系统多大内存最好,请问win10系统多大?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:47






       演示机型:华为MateBook X系统版本:win10 视情况而定,32位的win 10系统在16G左右,64位的win 10系统20G左右。32位的win 10系统要求配置低,32位的CPU就足够了,绝大部分的计算机都能满足这个要求,而64位的win 10系统需要安装在64位的电脑上,且需要运行内存大于4G才能够正常运行。

      win 10系统功能:

      1、生物识别技术:Windows 10所新增的Windows Hello功能将带来一系列对于生物识别技术的支持。除了常见的指纹扫描之外,系统还能通过面部或虹膜扫描来让你进行登入。当然,你需要使用新的3D红外摄像头来获取到这些新功能。


      3、平板模式:微软在照顾老用户的同时,也没有忘记随着触控屏幕成长的新一代用户。Windows 10提供了针对触控屏设备优化的功能,同时还提供了专门的平板电脑模式,开始菜单和应用都将以全屏模式运行。如果设置得当,系统会自动在平板电脑与桌面模式间切换。








       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      Depending on the situation, the 32-bit win 10 system is around 16G, and the 64-bit win 10 system is around 20G. The 32-bit win 10 system requires low configuration, a 32-bit CPU is enough, and most computers can meet this requirement, while the 64-bit win 10 system needs to be installed on a 64-bit computer, and the running memory needs to be larger than 4G can work normally.

      win 10 system features:

      1. Biometrics: The Windows Hello feature added to Windows 10 will bring a series of biometrics support. In addition to the usual fingerprint scan, the system also allows you to log in via a face or iris scan. Of course, you need to use the new 3D infrared camera to get these new features.

      2. Cortana search function: Cortana can use it to search for files, system settings, installed applications, and even other information in the Internet. As a personal assistant service, Cortana can also help you set time- and location-based notes just like it does on mobile platforms.

      3. Tablet mode: While taking care of old users, Microsoft has not forgotten the new generation of users who have grown up with touch screens. Windows 10 offers features optimized for touchscreen devices, as well as a dedicated tablet mode where the Start menu and apps will run in full screen mode. If set up properly, the system will automatically switch between tablet and desktop modes.

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