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  • 本田缤智怎么看胎压是多少,请问本田缤智怎么

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:48









    本田缤智全系都没有胎压监测功能,并不会主动监测胎压,只有当车辆轮胎出现异常时,仪表盘上才会显示异常信息,告知驾驶员哪个轮胎出现了问题,但是并不会显示具体的异常数值。如果想要监测胎压数值的大小,需要借助专业的胎压监测仪器来读取轮胎的胎压。 本田缤智胎压建议夏季在2.2-2.5bar较为合适,平时也可以在2.2-2.8bar之间。


       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Honda Binzhi does not have an actual water temperature scale, but there is a water temperature indicator, which is blue when the temperature is too low, and red when the temperature is high. When the water temperature of the engine is about to enter the high temperature area, the water temperature light will light up. It is necessary to stop the engine and unload the engine load, but do not put out the fire. After the engine idles for 5 minutes, turn off the engine, and then wait for the water temperature to drop, and the indicator light enters the normal state. Then start the car, pay attention: Observe the change of the water temperature indicator light on the engine instrument panel during driving.

    上一篇:脸上皮肤变黑是什么原因_1 下一篇:别克gl6备胎怎么拆,请问别克gl6怎样取备胎?

