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  • 澳门牌坊叫什么名字,请问澳门牌坊属于什么档

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:49






      澳门牌坊叫大三巴。大三巴牌坊,别名圣保禄大教堂遗址,位于中国澳门特别行政区花王堂区炮台山下。大三巴牌坊前身为保禄大教堂,始建于明万历三十年,于清道光十五年1月26日被大火焚毁,仅余下大三巴牌坊。大三巴牌坊的雕刻和镶嵌较为精细,融合了东西方建筑艺术的精华,是一个中西文化交融的艺术品。大三巴牌坊前临68级石阶,前壁遗址为23米宽,25.5米高,为巴洛克风格,以花岗岩建成,上下共分五层。 2005年,大三巴牌坊与”澳门历史城区“的其他21栋建筑物文物成为联合国世界文化遗产。大三巴牌坊是澳门标志之一,也是澳门八景之一的“三巴圣迹”。



    澳门大牌坊即大三巴牌坊(Ruins of St.Paul),是澳门最具代表性的名胜古迹,为1580年竣工的圣保禄大教堂的前壁,此教堂揉合了欧洲文艺复兴时期与东方建筑的风格而成,体现出东西艺术的交融。雕刻精细,巍峨壮观。 400多年前,葡萄牙人侵占澳门后,也把天主教带到了澳门。1562年,葡萄牙人历经数年,在澳门建起了这座哥特式教堂,取名“圣保禄”教堂。葡语“圣保禄”发音接近当地方言中的“三巴”,所以也称“大三巴教堂”。



       【英文介绍/For English】:

       The archway in Macau is called Da Sanba. The Ruins of St. Pauls Cathedral, also known as the Ruins of St. Pauls Cathedral, is located at the foot of Fortress Hill in Kao Parish, Macau Special Administrative Region, China. The main archway of the Great Sanba was formerly known as the Paul Cathedral. It was built in the 30th year of Wanli in the Ming Dynasty. It was destroyed by fire on January 26, the fifteenth year of Daoguang, Qing Dynasty. The carvings and inlays of the archway of the Great Sanba are relatively fine, integrating the essence of Eastern and Western architectural art, and it is a work of art that blends Chinese and Western cultures. There are 68 stone steps in front of the large three-bath archway. The front wall site is 23 meters wide and 25.5 meters high. It is Baroque style and built of granite. It is divided into five floors. In 2005, the Ruins of St. Pauls and 21 other buildings in the "Historic City of Macau" became UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The Archway of St. Pauls is one of the symbols of Macau and one of the eight scenic spots in Macau.

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