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  • word打横线格子怎么打,请问word框里怎么打√?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:53






       演示机型:华为MateBook X系统版本:win10APP版本:Microsoft Office 2020 1、以华为MateBook X,Microsoft Office 2020,Win10为例。按住键盘上的ALT键不放,然后在小键盘区输入“9745”,最后松开ALT键,自动变成框框中带勾符号。Microsoft Office Word是微软公司的一个文字处理器应用程序。最初由Richard Brodie为了运行DOS的IBM计算机而在1983年编写。随后的版本可运行于Apple Macintosh (1984年)、SCO UNIX和Microsoft Windows (1989年),并成为了Microsoft Office的一部分。

      2、Word给用户提供了用于创建专业而优雅的文档工具,帮助用户节省时间,并得到优雅美观的结果。一直以来,Microsoft Office Word 都是最流行的文字处理程序。

      3、作为 Office 套件的核心程序,Word 提供了许多易于使用的文档创建工具,同时也提供了丰富的功能集供创建复杂的文档使用。哪怕只使用 Word 应用一点文本格式化操作或图片处理,也可以使简单的文档变得比只使用纯文本更具吸引力。





       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      APP version: Microsoft Office 2020

      1. Take Huawei MateBook X, Microsoft Office 2020, Win10 as an example. Press and hold the ALT key on the keyboard, then enter "9745" in the small keyboard area, and finally release the ALT key, it will automatically turn into a box with a tick symbol. Microsoft Office Word is a word processor application from Microsoft Corporation. Originally written by Richard Brodie in 1983 for IBM computers running DOS. Subsequent versions ran on the Apple Macintosh (1984), SCO UNIX and Microsoft Windows (1989) and became part of Microsoft Office.

      2. Word provides users with tools for creating professional and elegant documents, helping users save time and get elegant and beautiful results. Microsoft Office Word is the most popular word processing program of all time.

      3. As the core program of the Office suite, Word provides many easy-to-use document creation tools, as well as a rich feature set for creating complex documents. Applying even a little text formatting or image manipulation using just Word can make a simple document more attractive than just plain text.

    上一篇:中华石龙子有毒吗 下一篇:word如何增加一页,请问word如何增加一页文件?

