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  • 八卦洲服务区怎么样,请问八卦洲服务区属于哪

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:53















       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Baguazhou service area belongs to Jiangsu Province. The service area is located in Baguazhou Township, Nanjing City. It is divided into east and west sides. The main building adopts pile foundation, and the upper structure is a two-story frame (partially three-story), with a construction area of ​​about 8,600 square meters; the auxiliary buildings include garages, dormitories, and substations. , gas station, air conditioning station, etc., with a construction area of ​​about 2,400 square meters.


    Baguazhou natural resources:


      The surface water system in Bagua Island is well developed. There are various rivers and ponds with a water surface of 9.744 square kilometers, accounting for 17.5% of the total area of ​​the continent. Among them, there are 3 large ditches, 29 middle ditches, and more than 300 small ditches; the groundwater level in the continent is buried. The depth and groundwater supply conditions are good. The soil and climate conditions are particularly suitable for the growth of various crops, especially for the cultivation of wild vegetables. After years of development, Baguazhou has become the largest production base of "wild Bagua" in Jiangsu Province; It has typical biodiversity characteristics, and waterfowl such as egrets, wild ducks, and water hyacinths grow freely in it; in addition, there are hare, pheasant, hedgehog, snake and python on the continent, and common birds are turtle dove, thrush, starling, red Chaffinch, gray magpie, geese, etc.

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