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  • mathtype怎么用到word2019无法找到宏或宏被禁用,请

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 16:57






      演示机型:华为MateBook X


      APP版本:word 2022

       mathtype怎么用到word共有4步,以下是华为MateBook X中mathtype用到word的具体操作步骤:操作/步骤1 打开文档点击菜单栏 打开Word文档,点击菜单栏中的mathtype。 2 点击显示 在mathtype中点击显示。 3 输入公式进行保存 在弹出的公式编辑器中输入对应的公式,Ctrl+S进行保存。 4 返回文档可看到公式 返回文档即可看到mathtype创建的公式显示在页面中。 END总结:以上就是关于mathtype怎么用到word的具体操作步骤,希望对大家有帮助。



    WORD选项--加载项--“管理”,选择“WORD加载项”,“转到”,勾选“MathType Commands 6 For Word dotm”。


      WORD选项--加载项--“管理”,选择“WORD加载项”,“转到”,勾选“MathType Commands 6 For Word dotm”。

       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      APP version: word 2022


      There are 4 steps to how mathtype uses word. The following are the specific operation steps for mathtype to use word in Huawei MateBook X: Operation/Step 1 Open the document and click the menu bar Open the Word document and click mathtype in the menu bar. 2 Click to display Click to display in mathtype. 3 Enter the formula to save Enter the corresponding formula in the pop-up formula editor, Ctrl+S to save. 4 Return to the document to see the formula Return to the document to see the formula created by mathtype displayed on the page. END The above is the specific operation steps on how to use word with mathtype, I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

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