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  • 8k高清是什么意思,请问高清8k是什么意思?

    主页 > 和记百科 > 2023-12-09 17:04






       演示机型:TCL 75v6 PRO系统版本:Android 12.0 8k高清是最接近人眼真实视觉的超高清视频技术,是超高清晰度电视标准中的最顶级规格。它的核心指标是超高清分辨率,每一幅画面从上到下的垂直方向有4320行,每一行在水平方向有7680个像素,共3300万个像素组成一幅画面。







       【英文介绍/For English】:

       Demo model: TCL 75v6 PRO

      System version: Android 12.0

      8k HD is an ultra-high-definition video technology that is closest to the real vision of the human eye, and is the top specification in the ultra-high-definition TV standard. Its core indicator is ultra-high-definition resolution. Each picture has 4,320 vertical lines from top to bottom, and each line has 7,680 pixels in the horizontal direction, with a total of 33 million pixels forming a picture.

      Features of HDTV:

      Unlike traditional TV systems that currently use analog signal transmission, HDTV uses digital signal transmission. Since HDTV is digitized from the collection and production of TV programs to the transmission of TV programs, as well as the reception to the user terminal, HDTV brings us extremely high definition, with a resolution of up to 1920×1080 and a frame rate of up to 60fps is enough to make DVD shame. In addition, the screen aspect ratio of HDTV has also changed from the original 4:3 to 16:9. If you use a large screen display, you will feel like you are in a theater. At the same time, due to the use of digital technology, the anti-noise capability of the signal is also greatly enhanced. In the sound system, HDTV supports Dolby 5.1 channel transmission, bringing people Hi-Fi listening enjoyment. , many advantages will inevitably promote HDTV to become the main force of home theater.

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