【英文介绍/For English】:
Geostationary satellite orbit altitude is about 36,000 kilometers. A prograde artificial Earth satellite orbit with a period equal to the Earth's rotation period (23 hours, 56 minutes and 4 seconds). Disregarding orbital perturbations, satellites in geosynchronous orbit pass over the same location on Earth at the same time every day. To ground observers, the satellites appear in the same direction at the same time each day. A circular geosynchronous orbit with an inclination of 0 is called a geostationary satellite orbit.
Geostationary satellites are often used in communications, meteorology, radio and television, missile warning, data relay, etc. to achieve continuous work in the same area. In remote sensing applications, in addition to meteorological satellites, a prominent application is the high-speed transmission of earth resources and environment acquired by medium and low-orbit earth observation satellites or space shuttles through four tracking and data relay satellite systems in geosynchronous orbit. Remote Sensing Data.
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