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  • 古代五大文明区域,五大文明区域...「专家回答

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:22














      1、古巴比伦 古巴比伦王国,古代两河流域国家。由阿摩利人建立,公元前16世纪初为赫梯人所灭。古巴比伦王国时期,大奴隶制经济形式瓦解,青铜工具普遍使用,生产有较大发展;在此基础上,各城邦均制定法典;两河流域普遍闪米特化,苏美尔人已融合于闪米特人。

      2、古埃及 古埃及,是四大文明古国之一,位于非洲东北部尼罗河中下游地区。古埃及文明形成于6000年前(前4000年)左右,古埃及前王朝开始于5100年前(前3100年)左右时美尼斯统一上下埃及建立第一王朝,终止于公元前30年罗马征服埃及托勒密王朝。

      3、中国 中国,是以华夏文明为源泉、中华文化为基础,并以汉族为主体民族的多民族国家,通用汉语、汉字,汉族与少数民族被统称为“中华民族”,又自称为炎黄子孙、龙的传人。中国是世界四大文明古国之一,有着悠久的历史,距今约5000年前,以中原地区为中心开始出现聚落


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Babylon: Ancient Mesopotamia. Founded by the Amorites, it was destroyed by the Hittites in the early 16th century BC. During the period of the Babylonian Kingdom, bronze tools were widely used and production developed greatly; on this basis, each city-state formulated a code.

      2. Ancient Egypt: located in the middle and lower reaches of the Nile River in northeastern Africa. The ancient Egyptian civilization was formed around 6,000 years ago (4,000 years ago), and the pre-dynasties of ancient Egypt began around 5,100 years ago (3,100 years ago). Ptolemaic Dynasty.

      3. Ancient India: The geographical scope includes present-day India, Pakistan and other countries. India is a melting pot of cultures, and the countrys unique historical background allows it to contain a variety of cultural trends from ancient times to modern times, from the West to the East, and from Asia to Europe. The Indus Valley is the center of culture.

      4. Ancient Greece: It is one of the main sources of Western civilization. Ancient Greek civilization lasted for about 650 years, from 800 BC to 146 BC, and was the most important and direct source of Western civilization.

      5. China: It is a multi-ethnic country with Chinese civilization as the source, Chinese culture as the foundation, and the Han nationality as the main nationality. Chinese and Chinese characters are commonly used. Descendants of the Dragon.

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