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    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:24






       演示机型:华为MateBook X系统版本:win10













      【英文介绍/For English】:


       Demonstration model: Huawei MateBook X

      System version: win10

      You cant put anything on your computers C drive. All the disks on the computer can install the things you need, but try not to install things in the C disk, because the C disk is the system disk, and the installation of too many will cause the computer to run slowly. You can install the software to other disks, leaving enough for the C disk. space to run.

      Notes on cleaning the computer memory:

      1. C drive garbage cleanup: The first and most direct and simple is to clean up the garbage document files accumulated on C drive for a long time. This is a lot, including buffer files of some application software, some deleted or abandoned files in the recycle bin, etc. This can be done using some computer management software.

      2. In-depth cleaning: After you have cleaned up the ordinary junk files, a prompt will usually pop up, whether you need further in-depth cleaning. This is to suggest that you need to clean it up. Many of the files that are deeply cleaned are files that occupy memory, such as information pictures and videos of some social software, and some music.

      3. Disk cleanup: I believe that a large part of my friends will not do the disk cleanup. Basically, some management software is used to clean it up and it will not be taken care of. This will also lead to the accumulation of files that many management software does not dare to clean up, which will eventually affect the operation of your computer. Right-click the C drive directly, select Properties, and find Disk Cleanup, which is quite simple, but the cleanup time will be relatively long.

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