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  • 超话一共有几级,请问超话有多少级?

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:30












      答:LV18级。 超话一共有LV18级。每一级对应一个头衔,总共需要18个头衔。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      There are a total of LV18 super words. Each level corresponds to a title, and a total of 18 titles are required. The super talk post level limit is set by the super talk host, which can be level 3, 6, 8, etc. The purpose of opening the super talk post level limit is to maintain the super talk order and avoid the flood of super talk advertisement posts, but it does not affect the check-in. Interactive, new fans can upgrade through continuous check-in and other methods.

      Will the super call level drop?

      If you dont log in on Weibo, it will not cause the level to drop, it will only stop the upgrade. But if the super talk level is deleted and posted accordingly, the traffic obtained includes likes and comments? The forwarding will be eliminated, so the experience points that have been obtained will be deducted, which will lead to a situation where the level will drop.

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