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  • 冬天大雾一般几点能散,请问冬天晴天大雾一般

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:30

















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      In winter, the fog usually clears at ten in the morning. Usually, the fog starts from 11:00 at night to around 2:00 in the morning, and it will dissipate around 10:00 in the morning the next day. During the heavy fog, the expressway will be subject to grade control to avoid delays in planning matters, and it is necessary to arrange travel time reasonably.

      Precautions for anti-fog:

      1. Pay attention to the speed and distance. When driving in the fog, you should drive at a low speed as much as possible, especially to maintain a sufficient safe distance from the vehicle in front, and do not get too close.

      2. Do not use high beams. When driving in the fog, you should turn on fog lamps and low beams, and do not turn on high beams. The light of high beams is high, and it is easy to enter the eyes of drivers driving in the opposite direction after being refracted by the fog. make it blurry.

      3. Use the horn frequently. When the two vehicles meet, you should honk the horn to remind the opposite vehicle to pay attention, and turn off the anti-fog lights at the same time to avoid dazzling the other side.

      4. After parking, the car owner should stay away from the car. If the fog is too thick, you can park the car close to the roadside, turn on the fog lights, low beams and double jump lights, and everyone must get off the road on the right side.

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