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  • 骄阳似火是什么季节的,请问骄阳似火是什么季

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:33














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The scorching sun is like fire in summer. Interpretation is a strong sunlight like a fire, describing the weather is very hot. Because of the direct sunlight in summer, it is as if the sun is overhead, and the temperature is very high. The scorching sun is often used to describe the weather in June. Summer is the hottest time of the year, and our country is also accustomed to regard the beginning of summer as the beginning of summer. It is also the season with the highest sun and the longest day of the year.

      Summer time division:

      In China, summer starts from the beginning of summer and ends at the beginning of autumn; in some parts of China, the summer solstice to September. Japan usually sets June, July, and August as summer months. In some parts of the northern hemisphere, the summer solstice and autumn are called summer. In the Southern Hemisphere, December, January and February are generally designated as summer months. Meteorologically, the average temperature for 5 consecutive days is higher than 22 degrees Celsius as a sign of entering summer.

    上一篇:红豆薏米煮水后能吃吗,请问薏米和南瓜能一起 下一篇:灯火的语录,两岸灯火情感语录「一定记住」

