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  • 卡罗拉怎样看水温,请问丰田卡罗拉的正常水温

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:33












      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The normal water temperature of Toyota Corolla is about 90 degrees Celsius, that is, it is normal for the indicator needle of the water temperature gauge to swing left and right in the middle. The water temperature gauge will only turn when the water temperature is above 60 degrees. If the water temperature of the car engine is too low, it is very harmful, which will cause insufficient combustion of the mixture, reduce and increase the power, cause poor lubrication, and cause excessive emissions. The reason why the engine water temperature is too low is usually because the thermostat is damaged or the cooling fan is constantly running. If the thermostat fails, the valve cannot be closed, the coolant is constantly circulating, and the water temperature of the engine may be too low. Position the thermostat as shown below.

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