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  • 电视显示no signal是什么意思,请问海尔电视no s

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:33

      电视显示no signal是什么意思,请问海尔电视no signal是什么意思啊?

      据和记百科网站「ヅ坏男孩」消息,近日,电视显示no signal是什么意思,请问海尔电视no signal是什么意思啊?引发热议,海尔电视no signal是什么意思啊同样引起许多争议,对此众网友各抒己见。但到底是怎么回事呢?和记百科为您解答。


    电视显示no signal是什么意思


       演示机型:TCL 75v6 PRO系统版本:Android 12.0

      电视显示no signal是指该电视没有信号,可检查是否开启信号源。若没有检查到信号,可以检查电视机的信号输入源是否正确,或者电视机与机顶盒之间的信号传输线是否有问题,还有机顶盒是否损坏。若还没有信号,可联系电视专修人员。


      1、当机内发生异常声音或气味时 请立即关闭电源并拔掉插头,经确认为异常时,不要继续使用,应请专业人员检修。





    海尔电视no signal是什么意思啊


      答:没有信号。no signal的意思就是没有信号,就是没有视频信号输入电视,检查机顶盒和机顶盒与电视的连接线是否正确连接,电视的信号输入模式是否选择的是与机顶盒连接线一样的模式。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Demo model: TCL 75v6 PRO

      System version: Android 12.0

      If the TV shows no signal, it means that the TV has no signal. You can check whether the signal source is turned on. If no signal is detected, you can check whether the signal input source of the TV is correct, or whether there is a problem with the signal transmission line between the TV and the set-top box, and whether the set-top box is damaged. If there is still no signal, contact a TV specialist.

      Precautions for TV safety:

      1. When abnormal sound or smell occurs in the machine, please turn off the power immediately and unplug it. When it is confirmed that it is abnormal, do not continue to use it, and ask a professional to repair it.

      2. If you go out for a long time or do not watch TV for a long time, you must turn off the TV, unplug the power plug, and disconnect the machine from the antenna during the thunderstorm season.

      3. Do not watch TV during thunderstorms, and unplug the power plug and antenna before the thunderstorm arrives to prevent lightning strikes. According to the national three-guarantee regulations, the lightning strike machine belongs to the scope of non-free warranty.

      4. Do not place flammable and explosive materials on the TV cover. The TV casing is made of flammable plastic. Candles, electric stoves, light bulbs, etc. cannot be placed on or near the machine to avoid accidents.

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