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  • 冬天过了是什么季节,请问冬天是什么季节用成

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-13 15:34













      2、 例:虽然按照时令季节,各种蔬菜种得有早有晚,有时收了这种菜才种那种菜;但是除了冰雪严寒的冬天,一年里春夏秋三季,菜园里总是经常有几种蔬菜在竞肥争绿的。 (吴伯箫《菜园小记》) 寒蝉凄切 寒蝉:冷天里的知了。天冷时,知了发出凄惨而低沉的声音。 文学中多用以烘托悲凉的气氛和情调。 例:于是贫居之士,喟尔相与而俱叹曰:“寒蝉哀鸣,其声也悲;四时去暮,临河徘徊。” (晋·陆云《陆清河集·寒蝉赋》) 寒冬腊月 腊月:农历十二月。指冬季最寒冷的腊月天。 如:寒冬腊月大雪纷飞,漫山遍野一片白色。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      After winter comes spring. Because of the continuous cycle of spring, summer, autumn and winter, a new cycle begins after winter, and spring is the first season of the year. The temperature rises, the ice and snow gradually melt away, and sometimes it rains. Gradually prolonging, the night gradually shortening, this is the signal of spring.

      Geographical phenomena of seasonal changes:

      my country has a vast territory and is located in low, middle and high latitudes. Low latitude generally refers to the space range between 30 degrees north and south latitude on the earths surface, that is, the area within 30°N to 30°S, including the two heat belts of the tropics and subtropics, which is the area where the global solar radiation and heat are relatively concentrated. The mid-latitude is the latitude band between 30°-60° north latitude, where the prevailing air masses at high and low latitudes overlap each other, cyclone activities are frequent, and the temperature changes obviously. High latitude refers to the area between the north and south latitudes of 60 degrees on the earths surface and the north and south poles. It is the area on the earths surface that receives the least solar radiation. The southern part of my country (low latitude) is rainy, stormy, light enough, and dry and humid, and these changes are obvious when the seasons change; in the northern region (middle latitude), there is less rain and less storms.

    上一篇:酵母成分,酵母多糖的作用...「专家回答」 下一篇:黄鼠狼属于什么科,请问黄鼠狼属于什么科属?

