1、1、长度 一般来说,选择长度在膝盖左右的晨袍就好,不但方便行走,也可以轻松秀美腿,太长了稍嫌累赘,太短了可能有走光风险,老公肯定也不会答应。
2、 2、提前熨烫 以真丝款为例,折叠存放就会有明显的折痕,上身后的视觉效果会有微微的瑕疵,毕竟这大婚的日子嘛,还是要“强迫症上身”一点,所以建议提前做好熨烫工作,然后挂起来放。
【英文介绍/For English】:
The wedding gown is convenient for the bride to change the wedding dress and do makeup and hair. When the bride gets up in the morning to change her outfit, if she wears a wedding dress directly, not only the styling may be dirty, but it is also inconvenient to wear the wedding dress; the dressing gown is loose and comfortable, and there is no burden to wear makeup in the morning. Moreover, the morning gown is easy to put on and take off, and it will not mess up the makeup and hair when changing the "going out yarn".
Is a dressing gown a necessity:
A dressing gown is not a necessity for marriage. If you like, you can also wear the pajamas you like before, or you can directly wear other clothes and make-up. But if you like the effect of dressing gowns and want to feel full of ceremony from the first second of the wedding, then prepare to wear dressing gowns. If you feel that it is optional, you can do it without preparation.
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