“六个一”工程的六项主要目标任务,核心是10个优势高新技术产业,其他五项目标任务都是围绕10个优势高新技术产业的发展来部署和配套、配合。“六个一”工程的中心目的是培育和壮大现有和未来三年的优势高新技术产业为宗旨。重点在新能源、新材料、生物医药、现代农业、先进制造和现代服务等领域,着力培育发展我省有优势、有基础、有潜力的10个高新技术产业,使其成为符合低碳与生态经济要求和当代新产业发展趋势的龙头主导产业,也是调整改造传统工业、淘汰旧工艺、资源消耗量大、生产成本过高的企业,成为我省经济发展新的增长极。 实施科技创新“六个一”工程,事关全省经济发展的全局和未来,它既是科技部门的工作,也是全省各行各业的任务;既是科技工程,更是经济工程;既是应对当前金融危机的现实需要,更是面向未来抢占先机的重大举措。 实施“六个一”工程,是一个系统工程,必须用工程办法来实施,做到“五个坚持”: 一、坚持依靠科技创新转变发展方式。
【英文介绍/For English】:
The six Jiangxis refer to innovative Jiangxi, wealthy Jiangxi, beautiful Jiangxi, happy Jiangxi, harmonious Jiangxi and diligent and honest Jiangxi. Comprehensively build an innovative Jiangxi, and the development momentum has been newly improved; comprehensively build a prosperous Jiangxi, and achieve a new leap in comprehensive strength; comprehensively build a beautiful Jiangxi, and achieve new breakthroughs in green transformation; Governance efficiency has reached a new level; Jiangxi has been comprehensively built with diligence and integrity, and the political ecology has taken on a new look.
1. Adhere to the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept.
2. Adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly.
3. Adhere to the comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up in the new era.
4. Adhere to the two major issues of overall development and safety.
5. Adhere to the in-depth promotion of comprehensive and strict governance of the party.
★ 种植花椒的条件