答:被子植物。玉米属于被子植物。 玉米介绍 是禾本科植物玉蜀黍的种子,原产于中美洲墨西哥和秘鲁,16世纪传入我国,如今是我国第一大粮食作物,全国各地都有种植,尤以东北、华北和西南各省较多。玉米的食用方法多种多样,玉米既可磨粉,又可制米,也可直接煮食,很受大家的喜爱。
【英文介绍/For English】:
Melon seeds are angiosperms. Plants whose seeds are covered with pericarp are called angiosperms, and those whose seeds are not covered with pericarp are called gymnosperms. Melon seeds are angiosperms, and the seeds are only after removing the skin of the seeds. The nutritional value of melon seeds is very high, and they contain various minerals such as sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese, iron, copper, and zinc.
The difference between angiosperms and gymnosperms:
1. Different shapes: Angiosperms are covered with pericarp, while gymnosperms are bare.
2. The number of seed embryos is different: the ovule of angiosperms is hidden in the ovary, the ovary develops into fruit, and the flower of the spore leaf ball of gymnosperms.
3. Different fruits: Angiosperm seeds are born in the fruit, while gymnosperms do not have the structure of fruit.
4. Different compounds in the body: most angiosperms do not contain bisflavonoids, and gymnosperms, except for a few groups, all have bisflavonoids.
5. Different organs, gymnosperms only have specialized rhizomes and leaves, but no flowers and fruits, angiosperms have.
6. Different plant grades: Angiosperms have two more organs, which are currently the most advanced plants in the world, while gymnosperms have no organs.
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