断定了是火花塞的问题,可以选择自己更换,直接买个新的火花塞换上就可以了。火花塞是损耗比较大的部件,行车时间长了一般都需要更换。 如果自己实在不会更换,可以在车辆保养的时候到维修站进行更换,为了车辆的安全驾驶,定时需要进行车辆的保养。 火花塞在损坏之前其实是有一些征兆的,比如在开车的时候车的发动机有异常的抖动,而且是比较有规律的。还有就是在车辆行驶的过程中发现有丢缸的现象,4缸变成3缸,还有明显的顿搓感,而且车辆尾部的排气管都是冒的黑烟,这时有可能就是需要更换火花塞了。
【英文介绍/For English】:
The spark plug needs to be replaced in time when it is found to be seriously aged or damaged. If the spark plug is not replaced for a long time, the starting of the car will be blocked, and long-term use will also lead to carbon deposition. However, the voltage that the ignition coil can provide is limited. Even the normal use of the spark plug will continue to increase the voltage demand for the breakdown of the spark plug gap with the loss of the spark plug electrode. Therefore, in rapid acceleration, high speed or heavy load, misfire will occur, resulting in vehicle jitter, acceleration difficulties and fuel waste.
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