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  • 六角龙鱼是不是两栖动物,请问六角恐龙鱼是两

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 16:48








      在自然环境中,六角龙并不会进化为蝾螈,如果要强迫它们进化,就必须提高水中碘离子的含量或是在食物中添加甲状腺激素(thyroxine)荷尔蒙。 六角龙鱼可是不折不扣的远古种生物。根据现代科学分析,这种奇特的蝾螈科生物至少已经存在上千万年了。但神奇的是,这么长的时间并没有让它们的身体产生丝毫的变化。世界上存在的三十多种(2009年统计数据,现在可能有部分种类灭绝)六角龙鱼,都与它们最初的形态保持着一致,这也算是生物史上的一个奇迹了。






      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Hexagonal Dinosaurs are amphibians. The hexagonal dinosaur fish Axolotl has a wide head, small eyes, and a large tongue, which is only free on both sides. Adults of most species are mainly terrestrial and live in caves. Distributed in the north to southeastern Alaska, south to the Mexican plateau.

      How to survive the hexagonal dinosaur fish:

      Hexagonal dragons do not evolve into salamanders in their natural environment. To force them to evolve, they must increase the amount of iodine ions in the water or add the hormone thyroxine to their food. The hexagonal dragon fish is an out-and-out ancient creature. According to modern scientific analysis, this strange salamander has existed for at least tens of millions of years. But the amazing thing is that their bodies havent changed in the slightest for such a long time. There are more than 30 kinds of hexagonal arowanas in the world (statistics in 2009, some species may be extinct now), all of which are consistent with their original form, which is also a miracle in the history of biology.

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