春节 ,是中国人的传统节日,也是一年中最隆重的一个节日,大年三十当晚,一家老小齐聚一堂,欢欢喜喜、热热闹闹地围坐在餐桌旁,推杯换盏,共庆新春佳节的到来,因此年夜饭是每年过年的重头戏。
【 食材 】胖头鱼、剁辣椒、生姜、大蒜、香葱、盐、鸡精、白酒、生抽、蚝油、胡椒粉、白糖
【 做法 】1、鱼头处理干净,鱼鳃下的肉打上花刀,放盐、白酒、胡椒粉、姜片及葱段抹匀腌制10分钟。
4、鱼头夹掉葱姜,在下面垫一双筷子, 让鱼跟盘...
【英文介绍/For English】:
The name of the Chinese New Years Eve dish can be called Huakai Fugui, which means that life is as prosperous as flowers, rich and prosperous, and expresses the yearning for a happy life, wealth and nobility. It can also be called flowers, which means that the days are prosperous like flowers. Simply steaming the enoki mushrooms, vermicelli, and sixty-six, the freshness and sweetness of the sixty, the smoothness of the enoki mushroom and the chewiness of the vermicelli, plus the essence of all the ingredients in the soup are combined with each other, leaving a lingering fragrance on the teeth, and the shape is like a Layer after layer of flowers, very pleasing.
The sixty-six is the clam, because the Cantonese clam has the same pronunciation as the sixtie, and the clam is written as the sixtie. The clams are called mango snails in the Hainan area. They are mollusks about 3 cm long, with oval shells, light brown, and purple edges. Live in shallow seabed. The shell is slender and long and oval.
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