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  • 领动1.4t电瓶型号(领动电瓶型号)「记得收藏」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 16:58






      领动最新一代采用的是规格为12V 70Ah CCA760A的蓄电池。蓄电池的使用寿命在2年到5年不等,这与电瓶的保养情况有很大关系。蓄电池需要定期充电,普通车主都不会将电池拆下来充电,多是靠着发动机充电。因此每次启动需要保证发动机怠速运转至少半个小时。如果蓄电池电量耗尽,这时可以通过跨接的方式启动。不过需要注意,跨接时要先接正极再接负极。




      领动原厂使用的是规格为12V 70Ah CCA760A的蓄电池,对于标配或者选配启停功能的车型,更换蓄电池时需要采用启停专用的蓄电池。蓄电池的售价大约为500元,可见蓄电池的更换费用并不低。蓄电池的使用寿命从2年到5年不等,合理使用可以最大程度地延长蓄电池的使用寿命


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      The latest generation of the leader uses a battery with a specification of 12V 70Ah CCA760A. The service life of the battery varies from 2 years to 5 years, which has a lot to do with the maintenance of the battery. The battery needs to be charged regularly. Ordinary car owners will not remove the battery to charge, but mostly rely on the engine to charge. Therefore, every time you start, you need to ensure that the engine runs at idle speed for at least half an hour. If the battery is exhausted, it can be started by jumping. However, it should be noted that when connecting across, connect the positive pole first and then the negative pole.

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