1、枯燥乏味的外表 成熟的、可以安全食用的茄子看起来非常有光泽,而且皮肤紧致光滑。如果您的茄子失去光泽和/或看起来起皱,则表明茄子已经过时,不再适合烹饪。
2、• 也要注意茄子周围的褐色斑点。这些斑点是茄子快要出路的另一个迹象。 沉闷的着色 仔细观察从茄子顶部长出的茎。它是绿色和充满活力的,还是开始褪色?枯萎、看起来不健康的茎可能意味着茄子已损坏,不适合烹饪。
3、也要检查茄子的身体;根据品种的不同,它应该是闪亮、大胆的白色或鲜艳的紫色,而不是褪色、无精打采的颜色。 柔软的质地 用手指沿着茄子的身体按压。它是否有一点点“给予”,或者你的手指是否突破了表面?如果整个蔬菜都是糊状的,你最好把它扔掉,用结实的成熟茄子代替。
4、棕色斑点和粘糊糊的内部 如果你已经买了茄子,把茄子切成片,看看颜色。它是整个白色的,还是看起来是棕色的?用你的手指敲打内茄
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Smell: Eggplant generally does not have any special smell. If it smells musty, rotten or even chemical, dont buy it. Most of it is a broken eggplant.
2. Pinch it: the good eggplant has thin skin, tender and sweet, and elastic when pinched, while the old eggplant is bright and smooth in color, with thick and tight skin. It is to squeeze the soft and rotten water.
3. Look at the appearance: the eggplant should have a uniform fruit shape, no cracks, rot, rust, spots, thin skin, few seeds, thick meat, and tender. Black or yellow flesh is considered to be broken eggplants, but pay attention to distinguish the phenomenon that eggplants will turn yellow and brown due to oxidation after peeling or cutting them. Soak in it to avoid discoloration and affect the aesthetics of food.
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