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    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:03


















      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Blue tears are red tides of Noctiluca in the sea. When Noctiluca is strongly disturbed by waves, rowing, etc., it produces oxygen-containing fluorescein with energy, and produces a light blue luminescence in the process of releasing energy. When the red tide of Noctiluca blooms, you can see the beautiful "blue fluorescence" on the sea surface at night. As the waves rise and fall, it is like the sea leaving crystal clear blue tears.


    Conditions for the production of fluorescent bays:


      1. It must be a shallow bay with a small inlet connected to the ocean. In this way, noctilucent algae can hardly enter, and the concentration can only be seen by the naked eye when the concentration is concentrated to a certain extent.

      2. The bay should have as little pollution as possible. Noctiluca is sensitive to pollution, and keeping the water clean is extremely important to its survival. And to see weak fluorescence, light pollution on the shore is also required to be minimized.

      3. The production of bioluminescent bays must be surrounded by mangroves. Since the roots of mangroves can release abundant vitamin B12 and various nutrients, these are essential elements for Noctiluca to produce light. At the same time, the roots of mangroves can purify water, which is important for Noctiluca the protector.

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