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  • 请问冰墩墩和谁是吉祥物?吉祥物冰墩墩「干货

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:06












      冰墩墩形象寓意 编辑 语音 冰墩墩 吉祥物冰墩墩名字中的“冰”,象征纯洁、坚强,是冬奥会的特点。墩墩,意喻敦厚、健康、活泼、可爱,契合熊猫的整体形象,象征着冬奥会运动员强壮的身体、坚韧的意志和鼓舞人心的奥林匹克精神。通过现代时尚的设计,向世界展示了中华文明丰富的形式、智慧的内涵、多彩的风格。 冰墩墩形象来源 编辑 语音 熊猫,是世界公认的中国国宝,形象友好可爱、憨态可掬,深受各国人民,尤其是青少年的喜爱。3D设计的拟人化熊猫,体现了人与自然和谐共生的理念。“冰墩墩”,有冰雪一样的冰外壳,展示了冬奥会的特点。熊猫的敦实和力量,体现着奥林匹克的精神。它还是科技熊猫,像一个太空熊猫,展示着面向未来的深刻寓意,完全不同于过去人们在不同场合看到的设计的野生动物形象的熊猫。 北京2022年冬奥会吉祥物 冰墩墩以熊猫为原型进行设计创作。将熊猫形象与富有超能量的冰晶外壳相结合,体现了冬季冰雪运动和现代科技特点。头部外壳造型取自冰雪运动头盔,装饰彩色光环,其灵感源自于北京冬奥会的国家速滑馆——“冰丝带”,流动的明亮色彩线条象征着冰雪运动的赛道和5G高科技;左手掌心的心形图案,代表着主办国对全世界朋友的热情欢迎。整体形象酷似航天员,寓意创造非凡、探索未来,体现了追求卓越、引领时代,以及面向未来的无限可能。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Bingdundun and Xuerongrong are mascots, and they have different meanings as mascots. Bingdundun means creating the extraordinary, exploring the future, and embodying the pursuit of excellence, leading the times, and facing the infinite possibilities of the future. The mascot of Xuerongrong, with its luminous properties in the shape of a lantern, means illuminating dreams and warming the world, representing friendship, courage and strength, and embodying the fighting spirit of Winter Paralympic athletes and the Winter Paralympic Games concept that inspires the world.

      BingdunDun usage scenarios:

      Unless otherwise provided by laws and regulations, without the permission of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, no unit or individual may use the mascot image and name without authorization, including the development, dissemination and sale of related derivatives that express the work. The mascot image and name are not allowed to be split, distorted, tampered with, or used as an integral part of other patterns. Those who use the mascot image and name in accordance with the law shall abide by the relevant technical standards and norms formulated by the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee. With the permission of the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee, BingdunDun can be used by non-profit legal persons or organizations such as legal persons, grassroots mass autonomous organizations, institutions, etc. for non-commercial use. Participants of non-commercial activities are not allowed to engage in non-commercial activities for any form of commercial promotion, except for sponsors at all levels of the International Olympic Committee, the International Paralympic Committee and the Beijing Winter Olympics Organizing Committee.

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