艾瑞泽5Pro只搭载了一台1.5升116匹马力自然吸气发动机。优点是外形和内饰都很好看,座椅包裹性好,配置高,性价比高。只是动力差一些,追求动力的可以选择2020款的艾瑞泽5运动版,1.5T 156马力涡轮增压发动机。
【英文介绍/For English】:
1. Turn off all lights.
2. During the 2 minutes when the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK gear, perform the overtaking light operation (pull the light control handle toward the steering wheel), and the time for each toggle is less than 2 seconds. The accompany me home function is turned on, and the dipped beam is turned on.
3. Repeatedly turning the handle can prolong the lighting time of the low beam, up to 240 seconds.
4. Turn the handle toward the steering wheel, cross the force point and hold it for a few seconds to turn off the accompany me home function. In addition, when the ignition switch is turned to the ACC or ON position, the accompany me home function will also be disabled.
★ 种植花椒的条件