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  • 六角恐龙鱼能长多大,请问六角恐龙鱼是不是保

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:11














      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Hexagonal dinosaur fish is not a national protected animal. The hexagonal dinosaur fish, also known as the axolotl, commonly known as the hexagonal dragon, can live in amphibians. There are more than 30 species in the world, and it is a unique species in Mexico. The changeable body color is also one of the charms of the axolotl. It is common to see albino species (black eyes), albino species (white eyes), golden body color (white eyes) and all-black individuals. They are kept as pets because of their cute appearance.

      Hexagonal Dinosaur Fish Habits:

      Dinosaurs live in and around hilly swamp puddles, ponds or rice fields. From October to March of the following year, it mostly enters the hibernation in the soil crevices or under the rocks near the water. From March to September, it is more active in puddles or rice fields with abundant water and grass on the mountainside. Benthic, slow crawling, rarely swims. They tend to feed on earthworms, mollusks, and insect larvae on the bottom of the water. Adults can be divided into aquatic, terrestrial and semi-aquatic categories.

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