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  • 空调制热外机风扇不转是怎么回事,请问空调制

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-16 17:18














      1、轴承卡住 如果检查了空调其它零件没有出现问题,那可能是风扇轴承卡住,导致外机不转。

      2、空调化霜 当空调进入除霜模式时,空调外机会停止运转,而压缩机会继续运行。

      3、达到设定温度 当室内温度达到了设置温度后,空调外机会停止运转。

      4、风扇马达损坏 出现空调制热,外机不转的话,可能是空调外机的风扇马达坏了。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. The fan motor is damaged: If the compressor works normally but the fan does not rotate, the fan motor may be broken. When the fan has no power source, it will naturally not run, and the fan motor can be replaced.

      2. Startup capacitor failure: if the fan of the external unit does not rotate, the startup capacitor may also be faulty. It is recommended to replace the startup capacitor of the fan.

      3. The bearing is stuck: If there is no problem with other parts of the air conditioner, it should be that the bearing of the fan is stuck, causing the air conditioner to not rotate normally. It is recommended to clean the foreign matter and dust on the fan shaft and apply some lubricating oil on the bearing.

      4. Air-conditioning defrosting: In heating mode, the air-conditioning system automatically enters defrosting mode when the outdoor unit is frosted, the outdoor unit fan will temporarily stop running, and the compressor will continue to run. After the defrosting is completed, it will automatically start heating. This is normal.

      5. Reaching the set temperature: In the automatic operation mode, after the indoor temperature reaches the set temperature, the fan stops running and the system is in a standby state.

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