马来西亚称为Bahasa Melayu,是马来西亚、文莱的官方语言,也是新加坡的官方语言之一,它与印尼的官方语言印尼语一样,都是以马来语中的廖内方言为基础形成。马来语与印尼语实质上是同一种语言。
【英文介绍/For English】:
Subject to availability. It may be because the iPhone dictionary function is not turned on that the Apple mobile phone cannot translate the Malay language, or the mobile phone system does not match the translation tool. Apple mobile phone generally refers to the iPhone, which is a series of smart phones released by Apple with the iOS operating system. Translation refers to the process of converting information in one language into information in another language and into a relatively familiar expression.
Malaysia, called Bahasa Melayu, is the official language of Malaysia and Brunei, and one of the official languages of Singapore. It is based on the Riau dialect of Malay, just like the official language of Indonesia, Bahasa Indonesia. Malay and Indonesian are essentially the same language.
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