宝骏560方向盘沉的原因有、转向各系统轴承配合过紧或者润滑不良;转向横拉杆球头调的过紧或者缺油;转向轴及套管弯曲造成卡滞等,这是转向系统机械类的故障。 方向盘和助力器的关系密不可分,所以当方向盘变得很重的时候,很可能也是助力器系统的内部出现了一些电路接触不良或者是其它问题 宝骏560的方向机其实质量还可以,损坏的原因可能是经常性原地打死方向,这种驾驶习惯对于方向机损伤比较大,所以会造成转向柱和方向机的损坏,解决方法只能更换新的方向机了。
【英文介绍/For English】:
The bearings of the steering systems are too tight or poorly lubricated; the ball joint of the steering tie rod is adjusted too tightly or lacks oil; the steering shaft and casing are bent and cause jamming, etc., which are mechanical failures of the steering system. Some cars can adjust the fit clearance, but most of them cannot be adjusted; the steering rod ball head is usually recommended to be replaced; the steering shaft and the casing are bent, unless there is a major accident or man-made, it is rarely damaged.
★ 种植花椒的条件