平板支撑是一种常见的运动方式,被广泛应用于健身房和个人健身计划中。然而,很多人对平板支撑的持续时间和频率存在疑问。 本文将回答这个问题,帮助你更好地使用平板支撑来强化核心肌肉和改善身体健康。
姿势正确: 手肘和肩膀应该保持在一个直角位置上,躯干和腿应成一条直线。 不要屈曲肘部:尽量不要弯曲肘部,否则会给手腕和肘部带来不必要的压力。 呼吸要均匀: 做平板支撑时,必须注重呼吸,以便肺部充分吸氧和排出二氧化碳。 逐渐增加时间: 平板支撑的持续时间应该逐渐增加,并慢慢达到你的训练目标。 适当休息: 如果你感到疲劳或肌肉酸痛,需要立即停止并休息一会儿。
改进身体平衡: 由于平板支撑需要保持身体在一条直线上,因此可以帮助你改善平衡和协调性。 加强核心稳定性: 训练核心肌肉可以帮助你的身体更好地控制重心和姿势。 减轻腰痛: 平板支撑有助于改善腹肌和背部肌肉力量,从而减少腰痛的风险。 促进燃脂: 做平板支撑可以帮助你燃烧脂肪和热量,并达到体重管理的效果。
结合其他运动锻炼可以更好地发挥平板支撑的效果。 例如,你可以将平板支撑互相配合,交替进行。适当增加跑步或游泳等有氧运动可以帮助你提高心肺耐力和身体素质。 通过在不同的训练计划中组合平板支撑和其他运动,可以达到更好的塑身效果和身体健康效果。
【英文介绍/For English】:
Plank support is to exercise the core strength of the abdomen. There is no such thing as how long it takes to be qualified. You only need to do it according to your own situation. The longer a girl does plank support, it only means that she has good physique and strong abdominal strength.
Girls do plank support for longer methods:
Reduce difficulty
When girls first start practicing plank support, it is recommended to reduce the difficulty first and practice kneeling plank support, that is, kneeling on the floor, which can reduce the weight borne by the body, which can also achieve the exercise effect. After the core strength is improved, then Do normal support movements.
Action essentials: Lie on your stomach, with your elbows supported on the ground; your forearms are directly below your shoulders, and your upper arms are perpendicular to the ground; keep your back straight, press your hips down, tighten your core, and kneel on the ground.
strengthen the abdomen
If it is said that when doing plank support, girls are less than 50 seconds, it may be caused by weak abdominal strength. It is recommended to strengthen some abdominal strength appropriately, and arrange exercises such as bending legs, self-kicking, sit-ups, etc. to exercise abdominal strength according to your actual situation. sports.
gesture with fingers crossed
When girls do plank support, they can also use the posture of crossing their hands and fingers. This hand movement is more stable, and it can also reduce the difficulty of the whole movement, which can last longer.
correct force
The correct place to exert force when doing plank support is the waist and abdomen, not the arms. Don't use the arms to bear the weight. If you can't hold on for a few seconds, you will give up because of the pain in your elbow.
Practice hard
If you want to do plank for a longer period of time, you can’t spend three days on the net and two days fishing, so you may practice after a while and return to the original point. You can gradually increase the time according to your own situation.
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