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  • 请问鸽子的性别如何区分?鸽子的习性「知识普

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-17 18:17














      Q: 鸽子是如何繁殖的?

      A: 鸽子是卵生动物,它们在春季到夏季之间繁殖。雄鸟会在特定地方筑巢,然后在巢中等待雌鸟前来。

      Q: 鸽子的性别可以通过外部特征区分吗?

      A: 目前无法通过外部特征区分鸽子的性别,因为它们的外部特征几乎一模一样。但是,通过对鸽子的行为和声音的观察,可以大致判断鸽子的性别。

      Q: 如何通过行为和声音判断鸽子的性别?

      A: 鸽子的行为是可以反映其性别的。雄性鸟通常会更活跃、更好动,它们会积极地筑巢并发出咕哝声来吸引雌性鸟。雌性鸟则比较温顺,喜欢呆在巢里孵蛋和照顾幼鸟。

      Q: 鸽子的声音有什么区别?

      A: 鸽子的声音主要是通过“咕咕声”和“哀叫声”来表达自己的感情和信息。而雄鸟和雌鸟的“咕咕声”是有区别的,雄鸟的“咕咕声”比雌鸟的音调高,要更加响亮;而“哀叫声”则相对比较难以区分。

      Q: 总结一下如何区分鸽子的性别?

      A: 尽管外部特征无法区分鸽子的性别,但是通过鸟的行为和声音,我们可以大致确定鸽子的性别。雄鸟通常更加活跃,筑巢和发出高亢的“咕咕声”,而雌鸟则更加温顺,喜欢呆在巢里并负责孵蛋和照顾幼鸟。当然,这些方法并不是百分之百可靠的,只是作为普通观察人员来判断鸽子性别的参考。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Male and female pigeons build nests, incubate eggs and brood together. After the pigeons mate, they go out to find nesting materials and build their nests. The cocks with good production performance also have the behavior of "chasing the wife". If the hens leave the nest, the cocks will chase the hens back to the nest to lay eggs.

      After the hens lay eggs, the males and females take turns incubating the eggs, the cocks enter the nest to hatch at 9:00 am, and the hens go out for food and activities. At 5:00 p.m., the hens enter the nest and hatch until 9:00 the next day. In this way, the male and female alternate until the young pigeons are hatched.

      After the young pigeons hatch, the male and female pigeons secrete pigeon milk together to nurture the young pigeons. The incubation period of pigeon eggs is generally about 17 days. After this time, the young pigeons have not yet hatched, and the male and female pigeons will abandon the old nest and find a new nest to lay eggs and then hatch. Therefore, in production, if it is found that the hatching period has not yet hatched, the unhatched eggs should be taken out in time, so that the pigeons can lay eggs in time.

      Pigeons are late maturing birds. Different from other birds, young pigeons cannot open their eyes when they first hatch, and their body surface feathers are scarce.

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