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  • 请问儋州古代在哪?儋州古代名称「热点」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-17 18:17












      答:儋耳郡。 儋州,古称儋耳郡,是海南最早设置行政建制的地区,早在西汉元封元年(公元前110年)就在此设郡。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Danzhou was located in Yilun County in ancient times, and is now Zhonghe Town, northwest of Danzhou City, Hainan Province. It is located in the northwest of Hainan Island, on the edge of Beibu Gulf. It spans 109.5° east longitude and 19.5° north latitude. The fourth prefecture-level city in Hainan Province is also the economic, transportation, communication and cultural center of western Hainan. Hainan Yangpu Economic Development Zone, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences, and Hainan University Danzhou Campus (formerly South China Tropical Agricultural University) are all within its territory. . The land and sea transportation here is well developed, the west railway around the island and the expressway around the island traverse the city environment, and the sea can directly reach the coastal cities in Southeast Asia and China.

      Topography of Danzhou City:

      Danzhou City is bounded by about 19°40 north latitude, and the southern part belongs to the Indosinian dome structure, forming wavy low hills, mainly exposing granites intruded in the second stage of the Mesozoic, Cambrian Tuolie Group metamorphic rocks, Cretaceous Banwan Group and Shaoshan Quaternary marine strata. In the south there are deposits of iron, tin, crystal and limestone. The northern part belongs to the southern end of the Leiqiong subsidence zone, forming a gentle slope stratum.

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