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  • 请问孤竹国在哪里?孤竹国的历史故事「分享」

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-17 18:25






      孤竹国位于河南省唐山市。孤竹国诞生于商朝初期,是冀东辽西地区出现最早的国家。三千年前商代的北方诸侯国--孤竹国 ,是商朝初年,封同宗血亲墨姓为君的国度。一般认为,孤竹国从商代立国到灭亡,存在约940多年(约公元前1600年-公元前660年)。孤竹国的建立,标志着冀东开始受到中原核心文明直接熏陶影响。孤竹国作为商朝贵族建立的方国在当时深受中原礼仪、文明的教化,距今约3600余年。 孤竹国范围广袤,约含概今河北到辽西等地。商代遗迹、遗物,遍及京津和辽西地区。近年来,唐山市滦南县新发现有关孤竹国重要物证,如带有玉文字的玉璧、玉圭、玉钺、玉冠等大量文物。













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Lone Bamboo Country is located in Tangshan City, Henan Province. The Lone Bamboo Country was born in the early Shang Dynasty and was the earliest country to appear in the eastern Hebei and western Liaoning regions. Guzhu Kingdom, the northern vassal state of the Shang Dynasty 3,000 years ago, was a country in the early years of the Shang Dynasty, where the blood relatives of the same ancestry were named Mo. It is generally believed that the Lone Bamboo Kingdom existed for more than 940 years (about 1600 BC - 660 BC) from the establishment of the Shang Dynasty to its demise. The establishment of the Lone Bamboo Kingdom marked the beginning of the direct influence of the core civilization of the Central Plains in Jidong. The Lone Bamboo Kingdom was established as a Fang Kingdom by the Shang Dynasty nobles. It was deeply educated by the etiquette and civilization of the Central Plains at that time. The Lone Bamboo Country is vast, ranging from Hebei to western Liaoning. Shang Dynasty relics, relics, all over Beijing, Tianjin and western Liaoning. In recent years, Luannan County, Tangshan City has newly discovered important material evidence about the Lone Bamboo Country, such as a large number of cultural relics with jade characters, such as jade bi, jade jade, jade toe, jade crown and so on.

      In recent years, relevant experts from Tang and Qin have explored the Lone Bamboo Country. In particular, the series of jade articles related to the Lone Bamboo Kingdom and the Yin Shang Dynasty discovered in the Tangshan area provide clear evidence for the study of the Lone Bamboo Country Center.

      In the Damazhuang section of Luannan, Tangshan, the Yin and Shang ruins were discovered as early as the 1960s. Such as "Xiaojiazhuang Lotus Terrace Temple Shang Dynasty Site" and so on. In addition to a large number of jade writing utensils found in this area, many bronze utensils with the inscription "Yawei", the name of the ancestor of the Lone Bamboo Kingdom, were also found. Such as bronze goblet, bronze tripod, etc. The above artifacts have been identified by domestic experts and scholars as the relics of solitary bamboo from the Yin and Shang Dynasties. Therefore, it can be argued that Tangshan Luannan is the center of the Lone Bamboo Country.

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