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  • 请问广西注册会计师什么时候出成绩?广西注册

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-18 15:39




      广西注册会计师会在12月下旬出成绩,考试成绩经财政部注册会计师考试委员会认定后发布,广西考生可在12月中旬成绩发布后查询并下载打印成绩单。 广西注册会计师历年成绩查询时间: 2018年成绩查询时间:2018年12月10日(周一) 2017年成绩查询时间:2017年12月14日(周四) 2016年成绩查询时间:2016年12月02日(周五) 2015年成绩查询时间:2015年12月10日(周四) 2014年成绩查询时间:2014年12月11日(周四) 成绩复核: 对成绩有异议,需要对考试成绩复核的,可在成绩发布后第5个工作日起10个工作日内,通过网报系统,提出成绩复核申请。 成绩复核理论上不会重新评阅试卷,只会检查是否存在错加分、漏加分等,复核结果出来为最终成绩,不得申请二次复核。


      【英文介绍/For English】:


      Guangxi Certified Public Accountants will issue their results in late December, and the exam results will be released after being recognized by the Certified Public Accountant Examination Committee of the Ministry of Finance. Candidates in Guangxi can inquire and download and print the transcripts after the results are released in mid-December. Guangxi CPA's results inquiries over the years: 2018 results inquiries: December 10, 2018 (Monday) 2017 results inquiries: December 14, 2017 (Thursday) 2016 results inquiries: December 02, 2016 Date (Friday) 2015 Result Inquiry Time: December 10, 2015 (Thursday) 2014 Result Inquiry Time: December 11, 2014 (Thursday) Score Review: If you have any objection to the score, you need to review the test score If the results are released, the application for score review can be submitted through the online reporting system within 10 working days from the 5th working day after the results are released. Theoretically, the score review will not re-evaluate the test paper, but will only check whether there are wrong extra points, missed extra points, etc. The review result is the final score, and a second review is not allowed.

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