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  • 请问耗子尾汁的意思是什么?耗子尾汁是什意思

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-19 15:56






      出自浑元形意太极拳掌门人马保国。在一次视频中,他痛斥两个年轻人和他比试的时候偷袭他这个69岁的老年人,说到:年轻人不讲武德、你们好自为之!然后好自为之的发音就很像耗子尾汁,也可以称为耗子尾汁。 鬼畜界冉冉升起的一颗新星。



      在某次和年轻人王庆民的比试中,30秒钟的时间,马保国被王庆民3次打倒在地,直接KO。事后,网上流传出马保国一月份乌青着眼睑发的视频,控诉:年轻人不讲武德,偷袭我这个69岁的老人家,传统功夫讲究的是点到为止,点到为止他就输了,如果我这一拳发力,一拳就把他鼻子打骨折了。 据马保国讲述,这是一月份的时候,两个治疗颈椎的年轻人和马大师之间的故事。只是碰巧在和王庆民比赛后大肆流传,加之和之前马保国吹牛说的要为传统功夫正名形成了强烈反差,所以这句话也被玩梗鬼畜。 现在被用来形容年轻人很猛。




      马保国 ,自称浑元形意太极拳掌门人,2020年5月17日,在山东一场民间武术比赛中,69岁马保国与50岁的搏击爱好者王庆民进行擂台战PK,结果他在30秒内被王庆民打倒3次,69岁的马保国突然在公众之中脱颖而出,四个小时内,马保国发三篇微博,回应输掉比赛的原因,承认太极是养生,并对网上泛滥的有关自己的假账号和假弟子进行了打假。此后马保国被网友赋予了一个特殊的称号"武术奇人"。

      太极马保国之所以被网友们“喜爱”,其实最主要的就是他的那份迷之自信,以及吹牛时的那份淡然。相信很多人都看过马保国大师吹牛的片段,什么他在英国教拳5年从来没有败过,什么他战胜欧洲MMA冠军皮特等等,反正在说这些话的时候,马保国大师表情上没有任何涟漪,脸上有的只是那种“天下我最牛”的迷之自信。 而且,马保国不只是嘴上说说而已,他还非常喜欢跟人家切磋动手,比如曾经有一位小伙子找上门,让马保国帮忙看看颈椎病,没成想马保国非要跟人家切磋,最后2人动起手来,马保国被打成了“大熊猫”。










      【英文介绍/For English】:


      It comes from Ma Baoguo, the master of Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan. In a video, he scolded two young people for attacking him, a 69-year-old man, during a competition with him. He said: Young people don’t talk about martial arts, so you can do it yourself! It could be called rat tail juice. A rising star in the world of ghosts and animals.

      Introduction of Ma Baoguo's other terriers:

      1. Young people don't talk about martial arts:

      In a certain competition with the young man Wang Qingmin, Ma Baoguo was knocked to the ground by Wang Qingmin three times in 30 seconds, and he was directly KO. Afterwards, a video of Ma Baoguo's black-and-green eyelid hair in January was circulated on the Internet, accusing: Young people don't talk about martial arts and sneak attack on me, a 69-year-old man. , If I punch hard, I will break his nose with one punch. According to Ma Baoguo, this is a story between two young people who treated the cervical spine and Master Ma in January. It just so happened that after the match with Wang Qingmin, it was widely circulated, and it formed a strong contrast with Ma Baoguo's bragging that he wanted to rectify the name of traditional kung fu, so this sentence was also played as a ghost. It is now used to describe young people as fierce.

      2. Lightning five consecutive whips:

      Lightning five consecutive whips demonstrated to everyone the self-created "Lightning five consecutive whips". , but everyone didn't even see the whip, it was just the 5 moves he made. This casual display was naturally ridiculed by netizens. The speed was so fast that the camera couldn't even take a clear picture. On the title of "Lightning Five Whip".

      Information about Ma Baoguo:

      Ma Baoguo, who claims to be the head of Hunyuan Xingyi Taijiquan, on May 17, 2020, in a folk martial arts competition in Shandong, the 69-year-old Ma Baoguo and the 50-year-old fighting enthusiast Wang Qingmin had a PK in the arena. As a result, he won in 30 seconds After being knocked down three times by Wang Qingmin, the 69-year-old Ma Baoguo suddenly stood out from the public. Within four hours, Ma Baoguo posted three microblogs, responding to the reasons for losing the competition, admitting that Tai Chi is for health preservation, and complaining about the flood of information about himself on the Internet. Fake accounts and fake disciples have been cracked down. Since then, Ma Baoguo has been given a special title "Martial Arts Stranger" by netizens.

      The reason why Tai Chi Ma Baoguo is "loved" by netizens is actually because of his fanciful self-confidence and his indifference when bragging. I believe that many people have watched the clips of Master Ma Baoguo bragging, why he has never lost in the five years of teaching boxing in the UK, what he defeated the European MMA champion Pete, etc. Anyway, when he said these words, Master Ma Baoguo did not have any ripples on his expression , there is only that kind of "I am the best in the world" self-confidence on the face. Moreover, Ma Baoguo is not just talking about it, he also likes to learn from others. For example, a young man once came to the door and asked Ma Baoguo to help him with cervical spondylosis. First off, Ma Baoguo was labeled a "giant panda".

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