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  • 请问家暴上诉状交上去可以打电话问法官什么时

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-19 15:58













      【英文介绍/For English】:


      If you submit a domestic violence appeal, you can call the judge and ask when the case will be heard. You can call to check the progress of the case. After the civil appeal petition is submitted, it is generally decided whether to file a case within seven days. A civil appeal pleading is a written pleading that a party to a civil lawsuit is dissatisfied with the first-instance judgment or ruling of the peoples court and, according to the legal procedure and time limit, appeals to the higher-level peoples court, requesting to revoke or change the original judgment or ruling, or to retrial. Trial usually refers to the trial of a case.

      Domestic violence generally refers to domestic violence, which refers to all violent acts that occur in family relationships. The "Anti-Domestic Violence Law of the Peoples Republic of China" defines domestic violence as physical and mental violations carried out by family members by means of beating, binding, maiming, restricting personal freedom, and frequent abuse and intimidation.

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