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  • 请问排骨冬瓜汤有什么功效?排骨冬瓜汤对身体

    主页 > 和记问答 > 2023-12-20 16:36







      【英文介绍/For English】:


      1. Enhance physical fitness: Spare ribs and winter melon soup contains a large number of vitamins needed by the human body, including vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin E, etc. These vitamins are essential nutrients for the normal operation of the human body, and intake of sufficient vitamins , can regulate nerves, make cells regenerate, make metabolism better, and help to enhance physical fitness. In addition, the pork ribs winter melon soup also contains a large amount of protein, fat, collagen, bone protein, calcium phosphate and other nutrients, which are easily absorbed and utilized by the human body.

      2. Lipid-lowering and weight loss: The content of dietary fiber in pork ribs winter melon soup is rich. Supplementing enough dietary fiber can enhance satiety, prevent blood sugar from rising, and inhibit the body's absorption of fat and cholesterol. Acid can effectively control the conversion of sugar into fat in the body and prevent fat accumulation, so regular consumption can play a role in weight loss.

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